Well, life isn’t exactly thwarting my progress as much as me needing to take a vacation. My family and I spent 10 days at Disney World to reward ourselves for surviving Soccer and Dance Seasons. This, coupled with some aircraft scheduling conflicts, has lead to a bit of a flying drought.
It will still be another week or so before I am back on the flying schedule and I need to do my club annual as well. I should be back to blogging shortly. In the meantime, I am trying to focus on some simulator time and getting ready for my club annual which consists of two tests and a flight test. I am hoping to roll this into my ifr training in order save some time (and money) but I also want to get it done soonish so I can fly outside of my training flights.
My wife and I are obnoxiously big Disney fans (don’t judge), so here are some pics from our vacation!
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